Guidance through Grief

Navigating Grief with Compassion 

45 min | $75 | Online & In Person

Grieving the loss of a spouse, child, or marriage is a deeply emotional and overwhelming experience. It can fundamentally change how we think and react to daily life situations, often leaving us feeling like a part of ourselves is irreparably altered. This process of grieving is complex and unique to each individual, involving a range of emotions from profound sadness to anger and confusion.

Learning to grieve in a positive way involves honoring and treasuring the memories we shared with our loved one or the life we had envisioned. It's about allowing ourselves to feel the full spectrum of emotions, including sadness, joy, and even laughter, without judgment. This process takes time and patience, as we gradually come to terms with our loss and find a new sense of normalcy.

Grieving can also be empowering, as it allows us to process our emotions and begin to heal. By embracing our grief and allowing ourselves to mourn, we can find strength and resilience we never knew we had. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, as we learn to navigate life without our loved one and find new meaning and purpose in our lives.

Through guidance and support, we can learn healthy coping mechanisms and strategies to manage our grief. This can include therapy, support groups, or other forms of professional help. By seeking support, we can find comfort and solace in knowing that we are not alone on this journey and that healing is possible.

Common Symptoms of Grief:

Mental Signs:

  • Intense sadness or depression

  • Feelings of guilt or regret

  • Anger or irritability

  • Anxiety or panic attacks

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Feelings of numbness or detachment

  • Intrusive thoughts or memories of the event or loss

  • Changes in sleep patters; insomnia or oversleeping

  • Loss of appetite or overeating

  • Social withdrawal or isolation

Physical Signs:

  • Fatigue or low energy

  • Headaches or migraines

  • Digestive issues; nausea or stomach pain

  • Muscle tension or aches

  • Changes in appetite or weight

  • Weakened immune system

  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances

  • Shortness of breath or chest pains

  • Increased heart rate or palpitations

  • Physical symptoms of stress, such as sweating or trembling

Let's Work Together

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Find out if grief guidance is right for you

"Grieving is a necessary passage and a difficult transition to finally letting go of sorrow - it is not a permanent rest stop." - Dodinsky

Disclaimer: This website does not provide Medical Advice. The information provided on this website but not limited to texts, graphics, images or other material is for informational purposes only. Dawn Renae is not a medical Dr and does not practice medicine, diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. You are encouraged to receive the coaching sessions as a complement to your regular allopathic medicine and therapeutic modalities Dawn Renae at Living Beautifully Broken is not responsible or liable for any claim, loss, or damage from you or any other person.